XXO is committed to connection. Join our mission in accelerating human connection, restoring connection to humanity, saving intimacy from becoming extinct, reinventing the current online dating model and transforming one million lives by 2025. Become part of the XXO energetic connection tidal wave.


Those are our core values. But what do our colors represent?

  1. White = SAFETY and WHOLENESS: We believe in creating safety, a judgement free community, to openly share and discuss together, supporting and accelerating the whole human connection experience.

  2. Cheshire Red = CONNECTION and VULNERABILITY: Connection is the root of it all. We are wired for deep human connection to self and each other. We wish to be accepting of ourselves. Vulnerability opens the signal to receive.

  3. Dandelion Yellow = POSITIVE ENERGY and FULFILLMENT: Internal connection, happiness and love. Releasing what no longer serves you to align, making room for positive energy flow.

  4. Emerald Green = PERSONAL GROWTH and TRANSFORMATION: The inner work required to break free of our old self.

  5. Cobalt Blue = TRUTH, INTUITION and STRENGTH: Standing in your own.

  6. Nickel = MAGIC


XXO is an independent private social network built for connection over convenience. Our purpose is to create the largest energetic tidal wave of connection to transform one million lives by 2025 and restore connection to humanity by accelerating human connection through our global personal growth and wellness platform. We are creating a supportive community to reduce isolation, loneliness, anxiety, depression, cyber bullying and suicide, eliminate external comparison and fear of intimacy and deepen the relationship with self first and then others through transformative learning.

We stand for Connection, Love, Transformation and Magic.

XXO is committed to creating a culture of connection from the inside out. Connection begins within and travels outward. We encourage and support personal growth of our internal Connection Team.

XXO is the platform built for connection to self first where we value self-worth as the real measurable metric.

Real Connection. Real Community. Real Conversations. Anytime. Anywhere.

Eliminate trying to gain likes, followers and the pressure of posting. Remove the comparison, distraction and addiction of social media.

Surround yourself with coaches and community for personal growth in a supportive space, free of judgment. Built for connection.

Connect with other XXO members around the world without the need to send an invite, link, connection or friend request with our exclusive XXO CONNECT video messenger.

In XXO, we are ALL already connected.

A new private safe social community dedicated to helping you connect with yourself and each other without all the extra noise that inundates traditional social networks.

A non-business, non-networking, non-social media platform.

Simply put, we provide social safety, not social media. This is a metrics-free zone.